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General tips for authors

Time Allotment
Each speaker has been allocated the amount of time indicated on the congress program. Please plan the length of your presentation accordingly, making sure to leave 5 minutes at the end of your presentation for questions. The chairperson will inform you when you are within a few minutes of the end of your allocated time and will be instructed to cut off speakers who exceed their time allocation.
Presentation Form
PDF and PowerPoint presentations are permitted. Required technical equipment will be available at the congress. Please make sure that any required CODEC files for any videos are also submitted.

Submission of Presentation
Please prepare your presentation in aspect ratio 16:9 and in one of the following formats, Powerpoint (.ppt or .pptx), PDF (.pdf) and bring it to the meeting on a USB drive.

Curriculum vitae questionnaire
The chairs would like to introduce every oral presenter (except the lightning talks) before the talk starts.
Please send it to biocat-congress@tuhh.de by 20 July.

Please pay attention to details by carefully following the instructions outlined below:
 • All posters must be printed in a portrait format: A0 (841 x 1189mm)
 • Allocate the top of the poster for the title and authors’ names. Ensure that they are the same as in the submitted abstract.
 • The text, illustrations, etc. should be bold enough to be read from a distance of 1-2 meters.
 • Your poster number will be indicated in the program as well as in the abstract book. Please mount your poster on the board with the same number.
 • Push pins will be provided to all poster presenters at your poster board on-site.
 • We kindly ask that you be at your poster to answer questions during the poster sessions indicated in the conference programme.

If you are additionally selected for a lightning talk please prepare 3 slides following the requirements for the oral presentation.
Please submit an Powerpoint (.ppt) with your lightning talk until 21.08.2024 to biocat-congress@tuhh.de.

2min + 1min discussion